Oceanside Psychology Clinic

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Every person has unique struggles and responds differently to counseling services. That’s why we offer a variety of therapy options to ensure you always feel comfortable and safe. From individual counseling to couples therapy to group sessions, we work to provide an option for everyone. We even offer an online option if you feel safer talking to our counselor from your own home.

212 Yacht 212 Yacht Club Way Redondo Beach, CA 90277 90277
Redondo BeachCA

(310) 956-1406 (Voice)


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Keywords: Life isn’t easy, and sometimes the stressors and challenges of life can cause overwhelming anxiety, depression, or even cause other problems in your life, like addiction or post-traumatic stress. No matter what your personal mental health struggles are, Oceanside Psychology Clinic can help. Our counseling services for Redondo Beach, CA, can guide you through your problems and help you take control of your life.
Primary category: Psychiatric and Substance Abuse Hospitals (62221)
Number of employees: 500 to 999