A+ West Hollywood Handyman

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Your home is your most important investment, so it makes sense to keep it well maintained. Hiring a professional handyman service is a great solution to help with your To-Do List. We can handle a wide variety of tasks, and it’s more affordable than hiring individual trades. We can prepare a property for a new tenant, whether this is just a quick spruce up or includes a lot of repairs and cleaning. We work with landlords either on a retained contract basis or alternatively as and when required. We understand your rental properties are an investment for you and we will look how we can give you the most return for the money that needs to be spent on getting your property fit for a new tenant.

654 N La Peer Dr
West HollywoodCA

(310) 751-2792 (Voice)


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Keywords: Home maintenance & repairs, Furniture assembly, Interior Painting, Install Flooring, Cleaning, Electrical work.
Primary category: Home and Garden Equipment and Appliance Repair and Maintenance (81141)