Superior Restoration of Corona

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Welcome to Superior Restoration, the leading restoration company in Southern California! We are a family-owned emergency services firm specializing in 24-hour response to all types of disasters. Our specialty lies with water damage, and we handle all related aspects including extraction, water damage clean up, dryout, restoration, and flood services. We are approved to work with all major insurance companies and will handle all claims for you so you don't have to. Additionally, we are an IICRC-certified company and we are fully licensed, bonded, and insured to guarantee the highest level of quality for our clients.

2621 Green River Rd
Ste 105-353


(951) 383-3710 (Voice)


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Keywords: Superior Restoration Corona, Water Damage Restoration Corona, water damage restoration services, water damage, fire damage, mold damage, smoke damage
Primary category: Other Personal and Household Goods Repair and Maintenance (81149)
Number of employees: 20 to 49