Wholistic Osteopathy

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As an osteopath, my mission is to be an accommodating and a safe space for the people in pain to seek help. Here, I firmly believe that we are responsible for the world we live in and we can shape it to become a space where our children, family, friends and patients, are able to find a professional or place where they feel safe. A place where they will find the help they need in regards to their pain (it can be an ankle, stomach, stress, or trauma). Helping people feel better, and offering this safe space for people to heal is what drives me and what makes me feel useful.

789 W Pender St #650
V6C 1H2

(604) 685-1181 (Voice)


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Keywords: Osteopath, Osteopathy
Primary category: Offices of Physicians (62111)
Number of employees: 1 to 4