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Drain5etoiles is the leading provider of sewer and pipe cleaning services in your area. We specialize in providing high quality sewer cleaning and maintenance services for residential and commercial properties. Our team of professionals has years of experience in sewer system cleaning and maintenance. We are equipped with advanced equipment and tools that allow us to efficiently and quickly solve the most complex sewer problems. We have solutions for a wide range of sewer-related problems, including clogs, odors, dirt clogs, and other nuisances. Our team thoroughly investigates and diagnoses the problem before offering the best solution, and then performs professional measures to clean and restore the sewer system to normal function. We pride ourselves on offering reliable and efficient

8175 Boul. Saint-Laurent
QC H2P 2M1

(514) 316-1043 (Voice)


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Keywords: drain
Primary category: Coin-Operated Laundries and Dry Cleaners (81231)