J. Flowers Health Institute

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J. Flowers Health Institute is a premier health and wellness facility specializing in comprehensive diagnostic evaluations and personalized programs for chronic pain, mental health, and other complex health conditions that are often difficult to diagnose accurately. Our central mission is to create a clear path to health and longevity for our clients by providing a thorough understanding of their unique health profiles and equipping them with effective strategies to improve their quality of life. At the core of our approach is a dedication to precision diagnostics. We employ state-of-the-art technologies and innovative evaluation methods to uncover underlying health issues that can often go undetected in standard medical examinations. Whether it's chronic pain, mental health disorders, or

109 N Post Oak Ln, #500

(713) 589-5976 (Voice)


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Keywords: Concierge Diagnostics, Substance Abuse Disorder Programs, Luxury Rehab, Integrative Mental Health, Addiction Treatment
Primary category: Offices of Mental Health Practitioners (except Physicians) (62133)