John The Plumber

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John The Plumber is the plumber St. Catharine's calls when they need a good, reliable, and same-day plumber for plumbing and drain cleaning service. We've established a reputation for world-class customer service, honesty, and emergency plumber service when you need it. Whether your plumbing issue is big or small, we'll solve your problems quickly, efficiently, and correctly.

6176 Murray Street
Niagara FallsON
L2G 2K6

(289) 932-9642 (Voice)


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Keywords: plumber, plumbing, plumber near me, plumber niagra falls, toilet repair, electric water heater, drain cleaning, emergency plumber, plumbing repair, emergency plumbing
Primary category: Plumbing, Heating and Air-Conditioning Contractors (23822)