Farnam Financial

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Farnam Financial is an independent investment advisory firm located in Phoenix, Arizona that serves clients in retirement or nearing it. We provide portfolio management, financial planning, tax planning, and other wealth management services. Our goal is to turn your financial house into a financial castle by helping provide three primary benefits: more money for you and your family, lowering your tax bill, and peace of mind through any market. We are proud to serve as a fee-only fiduciary and never charge commissions or sell products.

2415 East Camelback Road, Ste 700

(602) 603-4000 (Voice)


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Keywords: Financial advisor phoenix, Fiduciary advisor phoenix, Fee Only CFP phoenix, Retirement income planner phoenix, Wealth management advisor phoenix, Financial planner phoenix, Fee only investment advisor, Certified Financial Planner phoenix, Wealth advisor phoenix, fee only financial planner
Primary category: Investment Advice (52393)