Roof Medic

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Roof Medic was founded with the singular goal of helping people. Serving in the United States Army as a medic, I had the opportunity of helping hundreds of soldiers involved in traumatic events. This made a major impact in my life. During my years working in the roofing industry, I consistently witnessed the difficulty and often frustration homeowners experienced when hiring a roofing contractor, especially through the insurance claims process. The more I learned about the process, I quickly became one of the most respected and knowledgeable in the industry, specializing in Storm Recovery. You won’t find a more committed team of people than at Roof Medic.

7207 Matthews-Mint Hill Road

(704) 228-7788 (Voice)


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Keywords: roof repair, storm damage, roof replacement, solar roofing, commercial roofing, gutters
Primary category: Roofing Contractors (23816)