KIP Therapy - LGBTQ Therapist NYC

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Kip was originally founded in 2014 to fill an important need for affordable mental health care without sacrificing quality. Founded and run by members of the LGBTQ+ community, Kip focuses on how identity plays a critical role in one's mental health. Specifically, we take an approach that centers on clients' experiences and have developed expertise in trauma-informed care. Many members of the Kip team have lived experiences as LGBTQ+ people, and it remains one of the primary reasons clients work with us. Whether you are LGBTQ+ or not, Kip provides skilled and compassionate care that helps you become you want to and were meant to be.

330 W 58th St
New YorkNY

(212) 575-4769 (Voice)


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Keywords: LGBTQ therapist NYC, LGBTQ therapy NYC, gay therapy NYC, gay therapist NYC, transgender therapy NYC, transgender therapist NYC
Primary category: Offices of Physical, Occupational, and Speech Therapists and Audiologists (62134)