The Simmons Law Group

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If you have recently been injured as the result of someone’s negligence, or have recently been involved in an accident, The Simmons Law Group can help you build, and fight your case to seek justice. The moment you call our personal injury law firm, you will get the care and service you deserve. We can help with the following cases: Automotive & Vehicular, Medical Malpractice, Slip & Fall Accidents, Nursing Home Abuse & Elder Neglect, Negligent Security and Church Safety and Liability. And because The Simmons Law Groups handles civil cases on a contingency fee basis, you do not have to pay anything unless a recovery is made on your behalf.

941 W. Morse Blvd.
Suite 100

Winter ParkFL

(407) 454-3000 (Voice)


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Keywords: personal injury attorney, medical malpractice, slip and fall accidents, auto accident injury attorney, homeowners insurance claims
Primary category: Offices of Lawyers (54111)