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As a dedicated and experienced realtor in Canada, I specialize in providing comprehensive real estate services to help clients achieve their property goals. Whether you're looking to buy, sell, lease, or invest in real estate, I am your trusted partner throughout the entire process. With a deep understanding of the Canadian real estate market and its unique dynamics, I offer personalized guidance and expertise to ensure you make informed decisions. My commitment to client satisfaction is unwavering, and I work tirelessly to identify the perfect properties that align with your specific needs and preferences. When selling a property, I leverage my extensive network and marketing strategies to maximize your listing's exposure and secure the best possible deal. Whether you're a first-time buy

341 Sheldo 341 Sheldon Dr #3, Cambridge, ON, canada canada N1T 1B1 GE
N1T 1B1 GE

02265815412 (Voice)


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Keywords: Condos in kitchener , Condos for sale, realtor, real estate realtor, condos in waterloo, condos in cambridge
Primary category: Offices of Real Estate Agents and Brokers (53121)
Secondary category: Offices of Real Estate Agents and Brokers (53121)
Number of employees: 1 to 4