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CTOMS is a dominant force in tactical medical training. We provide training that gives our clients the knowledge necessary to manage complex and high-stress situations. Rooted in experience, our online courses and in-person training ensure that first responders, military personnel, and individual citizens alike can learn to effectively perform life-saving emergency medicine. CTOMS courses cover the full spectrum of care in both tactical and emergency medicine covering everything from care under fire and emergency bleeding control to basic and advanced casualty care. CTOMS is also a trusted distributor and developer of medical, tactical, and rescue equipment. Our mission is to empower emergency services, law enforcement, prepared citizens, and military medical personnel to effectively tackl

4625 101 S 4625 101 St NW T6E 5C6
T6E 5C6

(780) 469-6106 (Voice)
(780) 469-6156 (Fax)


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Keywords: tactical medical training,emergency response training,TECC online courses,tactical medicine courses,medic training solutions,emergency medicine training, medical training services, tactical training, emergency services training, preparedness training, first aid training, CPR training, tactical equipment supplies, medical equipment supplier, law enforcement equipment, military equipment supplier, emergency services equipment, personal safety equipment, self-defense training, medical simulation training, crisis response training, emergency response training, paramedic training, tactical medicine training, online emergency medicine courses, online tactical training, remote medical training
Primary category: Emergency and Other Relief Services (62423)
Secondary category: Educational Support Services (61171)
Number of employees: 10 to 19