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For business owners located in New York state. Who are looking to navigate the intricacies of Employee Retention Tax Credits (ERC), in various industries. RevuAssess offers a targeted solution. Alongside automated resources, such as a speedy eligibility calculator. Our expert associates furnish you with tailored counsel, inclusive of state and federal guidelines. Whether you are in NYC, Buffalo, Rochester, Albany etc. To further your understanding or facilitate a successful claim, don't hesitate to contact us or explore our website.

111-11424 124 St. NW
T5M 0K3

(587) 328-8317 (Voice)


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Keywords: revuassess, ny employee retention credit, new york state employee retention credit, employee retention credit, erc, employee retention tax credit, ertc
Primary category: Accounting, Tax Preparation, Bookkeeping and Payroll Services (54121)