Bayridge Counselling Centres

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Bayridge Counselling Centres provides counselling and therapy services in Burlington to individuals, couples, families and groups. Our team of 50+ specialized therapists, social workers, psychotherapists & psychologists has counselled & supported over 30,000 individuals and families. Our goal is to empower you to understand the issues causing you pain and create a path to support you in regaining control over your life. We believe that each person is unique, their story is their own and our approach must adapt to fit the individual. Bayridge is committed to providing attentive care and helping you find real solutions to your problems. With our guidance, you can reach your full potential and live a happier life. Contact us today to book an appointment.

845 Harrington Crt., Unit 200A
L7N 3P3

(905) 319-1488 (Voice)
(905) 319-3670 (Fax)


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Keywords: counselling centers Burlington, counselling clinic Burlington
Primary category: Specialty (except Psychiatric and Substance Abuse) Hospitals (62231)
Number of employees: 10 to 19