Mercy Animal Hospital

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At Mercy Animal Hospital, we recognize that your pets are more than just animals; they are cherished members of your family. Our mission is to provide exceptional veterinary care in Edmonton and the surrounding areas, ensuring the well-being and happiness of your beloved furry companions. With a dedicated team of experienced veterinarians, a state-of-the-art facility, and a comprehensive range of services, we are committed to being your trusted partner in your pet's health journey. We understand the unique bond you share with your pets, and that’s why we offer compassionate and personalized care tailored to meet the individual needs of each pet.

15825 97 S 97 Street
T5X 0C7

(780) 406-1400 (Voice)


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Keywords: vet clinic edmonton, north edmonton vet clinic, emergency vet edmonton
Primary category: Veterinary Services (54194)
Number of employees: 10 to 19