Pasha Snoring & Sinus Center

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The Pasha Snoring and Sinus Center is designed to provide long-term solutions for people needing an ENT doctor in Houston for allergy, snoring, sleep apnea, and sinus related disorders. Our boutique center focuses first on diagnosing the cause of your problem not just the symptoms for enduring results. Dr. Raza Pasha MD, our medical director and Greater Houston-area ENT doctor, is a nationally recognized pioneer in his field and was the first to perform in-office Balloon Sinuplasty in Houston. Dr. Pasha also has developed his own unique techniques as an alternative to CPAP machines for sleep apnea patients. Our Houston ENT clinic provides a complete array of therapeutic options. We are an in-network provider for most insurance plans.

12121 Richmond Avenue #104

(281) 920-5558 (Voice)


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Keywords: Otolaryngology clinic, Allergist, Medical clinic, Otolaryngologist, Sleep clinic
Primary category: Offices of Physicians (62111)