York Masonry GTA

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Grandfathered down by generations, our 25 years of mastery artistic masonry craftmanship continues to uphold standard of excellence. We specialize in High-end custom masonry work in Toronto. Our masonry services include waterproofing, restoration, hardscape, and much more! We focus on what we know best! With distinctive styles of rustic to modern contemporary MASONRY, you can count on our proficiency.

North YorkON

(647) 880-6352 (Voice)


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Keywords: Masonry contractor, Bricklayer, Mason GTA, Masonry Contractor Toronto and (all other regions within GTA like Mississauga, Brampton etc), Masonry Contractor southern Ontario with major regions (Durham, Muskoka etc) Stone mason, Chimney / fireplace repair or install, brick repair or install, stone repair or install, Parging repair or install, flagstone repair or install, Porch / steps repair, Concrete block repair or install, Structural block install, Concrete Foundation repair or install, Foundation waterproofing, Tuck pointing, Mortar repair, cement repair, Hardscaping, Stone / concrete patio, Stone concrete path, Stone concrete walkway, Stone concrete steps, Stone concrete porch, Stone concrete driveway, Precast repair and install, limestone pining and install, heritage restoration
Primary category: Masonry Contractors (23814)
Number of employees: 1 to 4