Dallo Law, P.C.

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Dallo Law, P.C. is a criminal defense and immigration law firm based in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. The attorneys and legal staff at Dallo Law provide dedicated representation to their clients who have been accused of a crime or in need of immigration services. Dallo Law proudly serves the areas of Oakland County and Macomb County, including Troy, Farmington Hills, Birmingham, Pontiac, Rochester Hills, Warren, Sterling Heights and the surrounding communities. The team at Dallo Law works tirelessly to provide comprehensive criminal defense for crimes such as Operating While Intoxicated (OWI), drug possession, drug charges, violent crimes and theft crimes.

36700 Woodward Ave
Suite 103

Bloomfield HillsMI

(248) 283-7000 (Voice)


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Keywords: Bloomfield Hills criminal defense lawyer, Bloomfield Hills immigration lawyer, Bloomfield Hills OWI lawyer, Macomb County Michigan criminal defense lawyer, Macomb County Michigan immigration lawyer, Oakland County Michigan criminal defense lawyer, Oakland County Michigan immigration lawyer, Macomb County Michigan OWI lawyer, Oakland County Michigan OWI lawyer, Birmingham Michigan criminal defense lawyer
Primary category: Offices of Lawyers (54111)