Furnace Factory Direct

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Furnace Factory Direct is a company that offers a comprehensive range of home comfort services, including furnaces, air conditioning, heated flooring, water heaters, fireplaces, and humidifiers. They are known for their exceptional customer service and dedication to renewable energy solutions. Serving the Ottawa area for over 10 years, they strive to meet homeowners' needs without compromising on comfort or convenience. The company has received positive feedback, highlighting their expertise, responsiveness, and the quality of their installations and repairs. For more detailed information, you can visit their website at www.furnacefactorydirect.ca.

17 Grenfell Crescent #6
K2G 0G3

(613) 829-8186 (Voice)


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Keywords: ottawa furnace repairs, furnace service ottawa, furnace ottawa, furnace maintenance plans, ottawa furnace repair
Primary category: Plumbing, Heating and Air-Conditioning Contractors (23822)