The Wiseman Law Firm

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The Wiseman Law Firm represents the accused in a broad range of crimes, including those involving DUI, drug crimes, juvenile crimes, assault/battery, federal crimes, tourist crimes, internet sex crimes, traffic violations, and many more. Attorney Wiseman is an experienced criminal defense lawyer in Orlando with over 15 years of trial-tested experience. As a former prosecutor, he can help you even the playing field at the negotiating table or in a trial. We are available 24/7, so call us if you have been arrested. Se habla Espanol. Consultations are FREE.

1115 E Livingston St

(407) 420-4647 (Voice)


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Keywords: Criminal Defense Lawyer, Drug Crimes Lawyer, Domestic Violence, Lawyer Felony Lawyer, Sex Crime Lawyer
Primary category: Offices of Lawyers (54111)