Beverly Hills Jewellers Ltd.

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Beverly Hills Jewellers is one of Canada's largest and most reputable jewellery manufacturers specializing in Bridal. We stand behind our product which is entirely produced in Canada, in our factory, by Canadians. Many of our designs incorporate Canadian diamonds and Canadian gold. Beverly Hills line of jewellery consists of various brands, primarily in gold set with diamonds , Canadian diamonds and gemstones. This state-of -the art collection of rings, pendants, earrings and bracelets is fascinating and ever-evolving. A second generation jeweller, following the family tradition, Giovanni Vaccaro is a visionary who is passionate about his craft and designs, which he sets out to make.

346 Newkirk Road

Richmond HillON
L4C 0A9

(905) 737-3069 (Voice)
(905) 737-8804 (Fax)


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Keywords: Canadian diamonds, Canadian gold, bands, bracelets, bridal, catalogues, diamonds, earrings, engagement, factory, fine jewellery, flyers, gemstones, gold, jewellery stores
Primary category: Jewellery and Silverware Manufacturing (33991)
Secondary category: All Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing (33999)
Number of employees: 20 to 49